Monthly Archives: July 2016

How To Understand The Will of YHVH For Your Life: Part II Oneness

A Name Correction

Before we go into the meat and potatoes of our bible study this week, I would like to make note of something the observant reader may have noticed. The name correction in the series.   We are constantly being tweaked in our walk with the Lord and it is important that as we consider what He says and what He doesn’t say that we pay close attention to the words that He uses and say likewise. The basis of this series is on Ephesians 5:17 which states “understanding what the will of YHVH is”. While to many there is a subtle distinction between the two I would like to point out the sharp contrast in their meaning.

Knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, but understanding is wisdom’s closest cousin.

Wisdom is the principle thing, but in all thy getting, we are instructed to get an understanding. (Prov. 4:7)

In that verse the word knowledge doesn’t appear, why? I believe it is because knowledge is like the base or foundation of wisdom, but understanding is what builds the walls which takes us to the roof which in this analogy would be wisdom.   Wisdom covers a house while knowledge keeps it.  Knowledge is the alphabets, understanding are the words, and wisdom is the action, that is produced when you get the other two.

Knowledge doesn’t motivate you to action, but understanding does.

There are people who know scripture backwards and forwards, but still have no power to live a holy life. How is this possible? The same way you can teach a child to call words but they still have no understanding of the words that they called. Understanding helps you understand the mess in your life, and in this context from a Godly perspective. It is what helps you hang on for dear life when the storms come to blow you away, understanding that God has you. Understanding gives you perspective and with perspective you can weather the storms that occur without jumping ship. Those with knowledge don’t ask “the what” question. Those with understanding don’t ask “the why” question, and those with wisdom don’t ask “how”.  It is lack of understanding why that prevents many of us from acting on the plan of God for our lives. Stick with me in this series and that is exactly what you will get, the answer to that question.

Back to our series on Oneness

Just Follow The Script

In a play everyone knows all the lines but they are intimately familiar with their own. Messiah made it clear that he was following the script the Father had already written concerning Him. He didn’t ad lib or use creative license.

And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. Luk 4:21

For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead. Joh 20:9

These are only two out of many scriptures that reveal that he was following a script, and past the gospels you will find that those who followed him were following the same script, just a different role.

This brings me to why it is important that though we are one, we must understand our divine call in God’s plan. Rather than allowing our differences to divide us, we should allow the common script we follow to unite us. God created us different and has given us different roles for his purpose. If we appreciate that then we won’t have the Peter syndrome. Worrying about what will happen to John rather than following the script that was laid out for him. (John 21:20-22) John had a different role in the same script, as do we. Like in television today when a casting call goes out for a specific part a certain look is required for that role. If the part is looking for a slim, white woman with blond hair then that is what the role calls for, if it is looking for a tall, dark and handsome man then that is what it is looking for. The differences that divide us are differences that were created by Elohim, in which we have no right to judge those things. The only thing that should divide us are those differences that man has made that stands in opposition to God’s word and His Spirit.

Despite the belief that we all are God’s children scripture makes it clear that this is not true. (1 Jn 3:10) We are all God’s creation, but identification with Christ is based on being born into his family, through the unified experience that all believers have. The born again experience which brings us into a unified life in Messiah. We are all apart of the script rather we are for or against him, as much as Judas was. It’s just that we get a different role once we are born into the kingdom.

Our oneness in Christ can make room for our differences in life.

It takes many different spices to create a tasty dish, and the absence of any of them changes its flavor. Our unity is necessary, our uniformity is not. If we change our expectation we can change the outcome. I shouldn’t expect you to be me and I shouldn’t be expected to be you. Like Christ I should embrace the will of God, the inheritance He has given me and not covet that which belongs to another. In Christ we inherit a rich heritage, our coat of many colors are unified under the same blood that He shed for us, and if we do the will of His Father then we are his brother, his sister, and even his mother. (Matt. 12:50) Our distinctive roles are based on the same unified plan, let’s just walk that out.

And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. Gen 11:6-7 

Notice in this verse that the power came in them speaking the same language, not looking the same way. We don’t need to make uniformity the brass ring we grasp for, or the focus of our fellowship. Which is why confounding their language was the means of dispersion. We see this in reverse in the book of acts.

Act 1:8  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

What did that power look like?

 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. Act 2:4-6


We are called to oneness in every relationship we have within the body of Christ. We should speak the same and think the same as the one we are following, Christ. Just as we are instructed to have the mind of Christ, and since we know Christ’s mind wasn’t divided neither should a believer’s mind be divided.

Even in marriage we are called into unity, thus the proper picture of this oneness is reflected when a wife takes the last name of her husband. Hyphenated names reflect the distinction between the two and shows division, whereas the wife assuming the identity of the husband is a reflection of us as believers assuming the identity of our bridegroom, Christ.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. Eph 5:22-31 

So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Rom 12:5

But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. 1Co 8:6

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:28

All these scriptures reflect the same one truth that we are one body in Christ, our distinctions don’t determine our position nor give us an extra edge.  We are seen as His body as a collective whole and thus when one hurts the body hurts, when one rejoices the body rejoices because what happens to a member effects the membership altogether.  The kingdom of God doesn’t operate like an episode of Survivor, we operate like an ant.  Each one of us have a part to play which effects the well-being of the colony.

Food For Thought

  • Are you walking in the oneness of Christ?
  • Are the things that divide you based on his word or your preference?
  • Are you judging according to the appearance or righteous judgment when analyzing your brothers and sisters in the Lord?
  • Are you endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace?
  • In your prayers make sure that you are daily praying for understanding of the will of Yah for your life. Commit to do nothing different without His instruction. Meaning submit your plans to YHVH, and don’t move forward until you have clarity of His will in the situation.

Next week we will look at the Plurality of God.  He is a unified one, yet he has three dimensions to His presence.  We will get a better understanding of the term “trinity” and how like Him we are created in His image and likeness.

Did you miss the last series, Be Ye Therefore Wise As Serpents?  Well, don’t fret if you are enjoying this series you will want to get the other one.  I am working on an e-book now that can be used for small bible groups and is designed to be application oriented.  This simple and thought provoking series will challenge you in your study and in how you walk to harness the wisdom of the serpent who was able to through subtlety strip us of the inheritance we received from YHVH in the garden of Eden.  If you would be interested in this series please fill out the form below. It is currently in pre-production and the projected cost will be $5.00.


Life Tips 101 Starting Your Day With Yah

Finding creative solutions for the hectic life to have quality one on one time with the Lord.  This is also a creative solution for extending your quality time with the Lord.  Find more organizational options for the hectic life @ The Purposeful Home.

Below is a website that you can go to and purchase this devotional or any other to begin starting your own collection of devotionals.  Don’t just buy one, because then you only have seed for the sower, but buy more than one to share with friends and loved ones.  Don’t just share the devotional, share the principles you are learning here with them so that they can make the time they need to have the refreshing necessary with the Lord for their day.  Remember sowing the word of God is one sure way you will get back a return on your investment.  There are three things I highly recommend a devotion to offer.

  1. Key bible verses that connect to the topic.  What is the point of a devotion if you can’t see how what they are sharing connects to the subject they are sharing.  This is important so that you can see the practical application to your life.
  2. Relevant to your life.  What a mother would need is not necessarily what a single career woman would need.  So for that cause make sure that whatever devotional you choose it will hit home where you are.  This should also apply as it relates to those you share it with.  Remember this devotional is for your personal time not your family gathering so it should fuel you for your day.  Getting a devotional for family gatherings is not a bad idea, but I personally would suggest as a family you pray and seek the Lord through His word as to what type of study you should do.  Remember two or three gathered in His name someone is sure to get direction concerning where He is leading you.
  3. Make sure it gives you questions to ponder.  This is important you start your day with God, but the conversation never ends.  Part of growing in the Lord requires that you develop an ask and hear relationship.  As we ask God for answers, he hears and provides them for us.  Most of us never get to having our own bible study with the Lord because we have no questions to jump start our quest.  Thanks to the computer apps and software resources available it is so easy to do word and phrase studies.  Which means we can quickly find answers to our biblical questions.  The assistance of other biblical resources such as Strong’s dictionary and concordance, BDB, AHLB, and more we are now able to get to the original text and get even greater understanding. It will be these questions that you pursue Yah for the answers for that will help you grow in your relationship with God and with others.

    Family Christian: When you shop, you give:  100% of our profits are donated to Christian Charities

Ships Are Beginning To Sail

I had a dream last night (July 20, 2016) and it was a comforting dream. This doesn’t happen too often for me, but this dream was beautiful. In my dream Charlie and I were on a ship. This ship was a small ship it had a top deck for gathering and then it had a small area on the bottom. The boat wasn’t really made for large groups of people to stay on. In fact it was obvious that there was an owner of the ship who lived on the ship, but allowed others to ride on the ship. Every day we were on a different excursion and the ship ride was different for every group. We enjoyed the first ride so much that we took the ship again on its next excursion. In the lower part of the ship there was this medium size room that had dining tables and there was a bed in the far back. This is undoubtedly where the captain or owner of the ship slept. But he was willing to share his intimate space with complete strangers to expose them to this way of life. The sea was calm every time we traveled on it. Not even a ripple in the water. While we were traveling there were speakers, and not like a timeshare presentation, but just speakers who spoke thematically and it was clear there was substance in their speech for the listener not for the speaker.

The theme on each boat ride would be different each time and the activities were always new and fresh. There were different types of food available, just something for everyone. Everyone was happy on this boat. When we would go to different islands we would meet other people as we stopped. The islands were beautiful, and very accommodating and when we would share the experience we had on this boat others would want to come. Soon this boat experience became too big for one boat to handle. So the owner of the ship begin showing people how they could start their own ships and encouraged them to use the principles, but he didn’t lock them into doing it the way he did it. He focused on the Spirit of the approach, then he set them free to duplicate the model. Soon the waters were filled with these little small boats that continued the same approach going in different directions.

Then I saw how this connected to ships in the bible. In the case of Noah the world outside the boat was cursed and the few in the boats were blessed.

In Deut. 28 the prophecy reveals a people who inside the ship would be cursed, becoming a blessing to those who were outside the ship.

The nation began with a ship, a nation was cursed in a ship, and a nation will return again, could it be possibly by ship? (Gen. 15:13) I am reminded of the Messiah telling us in these days it will be as it was in the days of Noah. (Matt. 24:37)  While I know that doesn’t mean we will leave the way Noah did, but it does however, make me think of this dream. We know Ezekiel tells us of a greater Exodus that will take place in the future. (Eze. 20:34) Water was involved, in the original Exodus although ships were not, however, the people were all in one place Egypt versus this prophecy in Ezekiel which clearly indicates His people will be in multiple places when they are brought out. Thus it doesn’t negate the possibility of ships being used.

Another interesting thing about my dream that when I shared with my friend brings up another point. Who is the “owner” of this ship. In the dream I couldn’t describe them to you, only that it was a Him. He was such a major part of the dream yet his description was obscured. My friend suggested that this was the Holy Spirit.  We see this description of the Holy Spirit as the worker in the life of the Believer throughout scripture This Holy Spirit is mentioned when Mary meets with her cousin Elizabeth and the baby leaped within Elizabeth. Thus, the point is I can see how the captain would be the Holy Spirit who does the work within our vessels and though the foundation never changes the approach he uses to touch the hearts of his people does change.

As with many things with scripture I am sure there is more to this dream then what I received and pray that Yah will show you what I didn’t get.  I am merely sharing it for you, because the fact that the dream mentioned many ships and focused on sharing this good news with others indicate that this dream was given to me, but not just for me.  So for whom this dream is for I pray that you too will get what Yah has for you and share it with me and others. Your comments or thoughts are welcomed.


In this flesh you will suffer persecution, setback, tribulation, and attack.  Recognize the Spirit within you is bigger than any obstacle outside of you, or in your physical body.  Faith in Christ means more than getting what you need or ask for, but it means being divinely able to live a holy life because you believe in the Christ who saved you.  So know that like David if your heart is after Yah and your trust is in Him that whatever giant you face you will hit it head on and you are coming out a winner.  You don’t have to be BIG to win, you just have to serve a BIG God, which we do.  YHVH of Host is MIGHTY in Battle and desires to show HIMSELF strong on behalf of His people.  It is time to know that regardless of what we see or how we feel that we have already won because He has already won.


How To Know The Will Of YHVH For Your Life Part 2: The Power Of Oneness

Deu 6:4  Hear, O Israel: YHVH our God is one YHVH:

This is very important to understand about YHVH. Think it not a surprise that the analogy for understanding oneness that Yahushah uses is that which exist in marriage.   The union between husband and wife was to be a revelation of the relationship between Christ and His bride (His body). Even as your body and your head are together, so is the husband and the wife supposed to be together, and Ephesians 5:22-31 reveals what that is supposed to look like. As it is when one marries they take on the name of their husband concealing their identity in them, not that they lose who they are, but that their actions no longer reflect just them, and thus what you do affects more than just you. Because its two of you instead of one of you. Hence, scripture teaches we are one in Him. He starts by showing us himself and his father, then he takes us to the husband and the wife, and then he ends it with the church and himself. Yahushah shows us the natural things through the characters of our own lives and through the testimony of the scripture so that we will be without excuse for not getting it. Consider this, God gives a promise to one man Abraham that he will make of Him a great nation. From a promise to one man and his wife, to twelve sons of Jacob, to a nation of people.

The Power of One

Gen. 11 we see that YHVH references the oneness of humanity at the Tower of Babel against His will. He let’s us know that the power of one isn’t just limited to those who are obedient to Him. But reveals this in a way as a universal principle or law, like the law of gravity. He doesn’t just reference that they are all together in one place, but they also have one speech. Thus His means of dispersing them was to confuse their language. Revealing that YHVH not only knows how to bring people together, but also how to divide them apart.   In many relationships we see the enemy applying this same principle. Two people can speak the same tongue, and yet not speak the same language. Meaning they have the same mother tongue, i.e. English, but their communication is confused by the author of confusion rather than unified by the Prince of peace. We must be able to identify when the enemy is working in a situation to bring about confusion and when YHVH is trying to bring us to the place we ought to be. Sometimes we need to have our communication confused with some people in order to prevent us from making seasonal people a lifetime commitment. We need to be able to identify right away if someone is an asset or liability in our lives and adjust ourselves accordingly.

How do we know when it is the enemy confusing our language or when it is YHVH? There is no reason why believers should be on the opposite side of the issue pertaining to justice, equity, and fairness. We shouldn’t be taking sides as it relates to cultural issues or political issues, we should take sides only as it relates to being on the side of righteousness. We should be on the side of Christ. The most segregated place on the day that we as Christians so call set apart is Sunday. There are no limits to ministry buildings on every corner, but great limits on the diversity you will find in them. If we can’t even be unified in our relationship with each other in Christ it is no wonder we can’t find sympathy as it relates to the issues of this world. However, the ability to reach heaven requires it.

And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? Mat 12:25-26 


Simply put our victory requires that we operate and understand how the Kingdom of YHVH works. The discussion must start when we tear down the walls that exist amongst believers. Our authority in the earth and our power in the earth hinges on it as much as it did for the Tower of Babel, as much as it did in the book of Acts. Every nation under heaven was represented on that day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:5) Let’s call the ugliness, ugly. Let’s deal with the heart issues now, and address it for what it is.

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Mat 18:19-20 

The context of this scripture is dealing with things going wrong in the church, yet it is rarely applied to that context. Could it be our cowardess in dealing with our own error amongst ourselves, which is causing the error we see in our nation? The hypocrisy exemplified within, effects our ability to be effective without. Why? Because we are once again divided, when unity in Christ would bring us back together. Corporate acknowledgement of error brings about the presence of Yahushah (Jesus) in our affairs and backs up church politics. If we are going to make it in the next few years we are going to have to make a conscientious decision concerning whose side we are going to be on. We can no longer be divided along party lines or color lines. We must choose to stand on the side of what is right regardless of where right exist. We ourselves must be one in Christ. We can no longer be divided in our lives keeping our religious affiliation as a separate entity divorced from how we live, how we move, and how we have our being. Christ made no room for his personal thoughts to prevail in how he handled the affairs of His life, so why should we?

Will have the sequel to this weeks topic on the Power of Oneness next Tuesday

I did a series on Matt 10:16 focusing on the characteristics of a serpent that we as believers should apply to our lives.  Isn’t it interesting God didn’t say be ye as wise as Solomon, yet though he was given wisdom unlike any other man.  Think about it, we are in the situation as humans that we are in because a serpent was able to deceive Eve.  We need to tap into the wisdom of a serpent from a heavenly perspective, so that we would be able to defeat the enemy of our lives with the wisdom that God has made available in the earth.  I am making it available as an e-book. This e-book will show you:

  1. How the characteristics of a serpent can translate into wisdom for a believer and how we should walk in that wisdom.
  2. How to understand how Spiritual principles can be extracted from getting a natural understanding of how God created the serpent.
  3. Often times we don’t get what we need in our walk with Christ because we don’t hask the right questions.  The right questions in how we study can make a tremendous difference in its benefit for us.  It is insightful in that it will ask questions at the end of each chapter so that you can reflect on them and gauge if you are using this wisdom in your life.

The e-book is currently in pre-production, but you can fill out the form below to let me know that you are interested in reserving a copy.  The cost will be $5.00.  I am making e-books to save on cost of printing.  If you would prefer a hard copy please let me know as you submit me your contact information, if enough people are interested in a hard copy I will provide print on demand, but the cost will more than likely be more than $5.00.


How to Acquire the Peaceable Life

In the wake of another shooting here in Louisiana where three officers were murdered, I would like to share my thoughts from the scripture as a citizen of Louisiana. As a citizen of color, I have just watched the press release from our officials, and was impressed with one particular speaker who hit the nail on the head concerning the issue we have in this nation. He made it clear the issue is not the ability to carry a gun, but the heart. I have heard people on both sides of the issue from black lives matter and blue lives matter, but what I am not hearing is how we can all live our lives in peace.  Which is clearly the agenda of both sides.  Yet scripture gives us instructions on how to obtain that.


I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (1 Ti 2:1-2)


I don’t know why there are people who believe that prayer is either doing nothing or being passive, but prayer is the most important weapon we can use in this hour. Before one of the greatest warriors went to battle and won victoriously he sought YHVH in prayer. This man even in the face of unjust threat of death by the King of Israel, didn’t pursue the death of the King. Not because of his respect for King Saul, but because of his respect for the Giver of the authority the King possessed. He didn’t just talk to God, but waited on God to give him the answer necessary to proceed.  This man’s name was David, and he would become King of Israel, and it was said of him that he was a man after God’s own heart.  (1 Sam. 13:14)  I perceive this is not just because he respected authority, but the reason he respected authority.  He respected the authority of the Almighty and that is what God is looking for.  Our love for Him. Jesus when questioned by Pilate stated he wouldn’t have no power except it was given to him from above. (John 19:11)  Once again recognizing that even in the face of an unjust system that the authority of that system comes from above, and as Messiah makes clear in that same context that no unjust deed on earth goes unpunished or unnoticed from our heavenly Father.  Thus, He tells us vengeance is His, and He will repay. (Rom 12:19)

No injustice on earth goes unchecked by the Almighty!

Realizing the severity of the punishment when He begin to repay should produce in us the same Spirit that was in Christ on the cross or Stephen who was being stoned.  In one word “prayer”.  It takes more strength to pray for someone who is doing you wrong or who you perceive is doing you wrong then to retaliate.  To hate them that hate you is as easy as it is to love those who love you.

This scripture in 1 Timothy is setting in place that order is important. Notice who these “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks” are to be made for first, “all men” and then specifically, “kings, all that are in authority”.

Is it possible that we are seeing the intensity we are seeing because we stop praying for those who are in authority?  Because we are exhorted to give our supplications (requests), prayer, intercession, and thanks for “all in authority” so that “we” might lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  That word all doesn’t stop at just praying for the President, or for your own personal pick in congress, but requires we pray for those who we voted for and those who we didn’t vote for.  This includes our military and our police.   If we don’t do this, what you think the outcome will be? Turn on your news, we are seeing the product of neglecting to follow this exhortation.

Finally, there came a time where David did take out the authority of the world, we see this in him taking out Goliath, but under the authority only of YHVH could he be victorious. We don’t get to pick and choose who is taken out, this is only within the hand of the Almighty and based on His timing. King Saul was told to wipe out all of the people of the Amalekites, this included the King of that land. However, this was only based on the Lord’s clear instructions. Which is why it is so vitally important that we have the Spirit of YHVH operating within us. How do we know what we are seeing before our eyes is not of YHVH? God didn’t send his people on suicide missions.  When the children of Israel obeyed YHVH they didn’t lose their battle. Their victory was clear, and their loss of minimal if at all.  The only time the children of Israel lost a battle is when they went without the permission of YHVH. Without the Spirit of YHVH we will find ourselves outside of the will of God, and in opposition to Him. This is a dangerous place to be, yet where unfortunately many of our people are finding ourselves.

Let’s direct our anger against injustice, cry out for righteous rulers. Pray that the heart of the king will submit to the Almighty so that they will rule the land in justice, mercy, and right rulings. Pray for husbands and Fathers, local, state, regional, and national leaders, ministers, and our young men who will one day fill these positions of leadership. Our greatest strength will be in our submission to the will and word of the Almighty. Outside of this we are in danger, and we cannot fulfill His will without knowing what it is and who He is.


There are some principles in scripture that we as a nation better began to understand.  While we may pattern our military wisdom from studying the playbook of Alexander the Great.  The serpent was who our Messiah told us to turn to for wisdom as believers.  In this hour believers who don’t understand what Yahushah (Jesus) meant by this will be completely shaken by the world and the battle to come.  Isn’t it interesting God didn’t say be ye as wise as Solomon, though he was given wisdom unlike any other man.  Think about it, we are in the situation as humans that we are in because a serpent was able to deceive Eve.  We need to tap into the wisdom of a serpent from a heavenly perspective, so that we would be able to defeat the enemy of our lives with the wisdom that God has made available in the earth.  I will be sharing what I received from my study in my e-book. This e-book will show you:

  1. How the characteristics of a serpent can translate into wisdom for a believer and how we should walk in that wisdom.
  2. How to extract Spiritual principles from  understanding the natural character traits of how God created the serpent.
  3. Often times we don’t get what we need in our walk with Christ because we don’t ask the right questions.  The right questions in how we study can make a tremendous difference in its benefit for us.  It is insightful in that it will ask questions at the end of each chapter so that you can reflect on them and gauge if you are using this wisdom in your life.

The e-book is currently in pre-production, but you can fill out the form below to let me know that you are interested in reserving a copy.  The cost will be $5.00.  I am making e-books to save on the cost of printing.  If you would prefer a hard copy please let me know as you submit me your contact information, if enough people are interested in a hard copy I will provide print on demand, but the cost will be more.


How To Know The Will of YHVH For Your Life Series

In times like this it is more important than ever to know what the will of the Lord is. A wrong turn can cost you your life. Hanging with the wrong crowd can make you a statistic, and change the direction of your future. Constantly putting off following the Lord can come a day too late. If we ever needed to know God and what it is He has us here to accomplish this is the time. Today is definitely the day. While we all would like to have the testimony of Solomon as it relates to wisdom beyond measure, prosperity on every level, and peace in the midst of our borders, the reality is even with everything you can miss it. Solomon is a great example of how God can bless you with everything you need to accomplish His will and yet if you take your eyes off of Him, Solomon becomes our example of how you can miss it. It is not enough to enter the race, many do that, but scripture teaches us a man who puts his hands to the plough and look back isn’t fit for the kingdom of God. (Lk 9:62) Thus walking in the will of the Lord is a daily decision that we must choose to make.
Knowing the reason why we are here is the single most important question we need answered after we submit to Yahushah as our King. Yet we shouldn’t believe that finding out this most valuable information is something that we will get overnight. Many distractions and challenges will happen in life that will derail our attention from finding out this most vital information. Sidetracks and bunny trails will remove us from the steady and sure course that he has already established for us.
Everything God created had purpose, which means he willed it into existence. Or another way of saying it, the things that exist, exist as a result of His will. In light of the current social climate I think this is a perfect place to address this train of thought that says that we wish people didn’t see color, or to say a persons color is irrelevant. I would like to say that God created us whatever hue of skin we have. A more forgiving statement is I wish people wouldn’t allow the color they see to make a difference in how they esteem them. We had no choice in the matter, the white person didn’t get to choose how white they are the black couldn’t choose how black, the native American couldn’t choose how red, and the Asian couldn’t choose how yellow. In other words it is in Yah’s domain, which tells me that He had a purpose for making it that way. He didn’t choose to make us all the same complexion, he chose to make a distinction.
This thinking of removing the distinction of color allows for removing the distinction of gender and God clearly has a purpose for both.  Scripture is replete with examples of the distinctive role of a man versus a woman, and that distinction was not that one has more worth than the other, but a different yet collaborative purpose from the other.  If we would appreciate our differences it would do more for relations in marriage, with people of different nationalities, and within our governmental systems. But again, it all is within understanding His will. Which is what this series seeks to uncover.
Our failure as Christians reveals itself in the face of adversity. A sense of compassion and unity is easily replaced with animosity and rage when we observe our atmosphere from our own eyes instead of from an aerial view. From an aerial view it is clear that the world is bigger than just us. It is apparent that the long-suffering of the Lord is based on a much larger scale then our momentary affliction. Whatever our pain, discomfort, affliction is, it pales in comparison to the glory that is yet to be revealed in us. To the combined mission that Yah is performing over the entire world. I know craziness is occurring everywhere and it is much easier to blame or point fingers at those things that we can see, but let’s not forget there is an unseen entity that is pulling the strings.
I am being led to start this series with the characteristics of God that should be in us. Since the ultimate goal is to be in His image and likeness it is important that we understand what that looks like. Therefore, the current issues at hand makes it important for me to start with the 7 characteristics of YHVH that should be in us. We will find it hard to understand the will of the Lord if we don’t understand some basic things about His character.
The scriptures below are key scriptures that will be carried through the entire series.  Father, I thank you that you have not revealed these precious truths to the wise or the prudent but unto babes.  Your ways are far beyond ours and your thoughts are far beyond ours.  We thank you for giving us wisdom, knowledge, and revelation.  Help us to make whatever changes we need to make so that we can be all that you have called us to be and complete all that you have planned for our lives.
Eph 5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Pro 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Act 21:14 And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord be done.
2Co 8:5 And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God.
Do you know the eight characteristics of a snake that you as a believer should apply to your life?  In this series you will discover this insightful information and how to apply this wisdom to everyday situations that occur.  You will also learn a different way to study scripture applying the principle of understanding that which is natural and how it applies to us spiritually.  This series is currently in production.   If this is something you would be interested in having please sign up here for an e-book.  E-book cost $5.00.



Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

I’ve heard this question asked by many people. Usually from those trying to explain the nonexistence of God, which usually sounds something like, “if there was a God why would he allow bad things to happen to good people?”   Or by others trying to understand why they lost a loved one unexpectedly. The question is indelibly, why me? Well, I just wanted to share some of my thoughts from what I received from scripture. First and foremost, there are NO good people. So the question is a misnomer because we ask it comparing people to ourselves. Jesus, the greatest or “goodest” man who ever walked the face of the earth stated there was none that was good. (Matt. 19:17)   However, even if I consider the question from the standpoint of comparing ourselves among ourselves, in which scripture also has something to say about that, then this is the approach that I would share it from. (2 Cor. 10:12)

God’s ways are so far greater than our ways that even from the aerial view of a plan tens of thousands of feet in the sky we still can’t imagine the love God has for us. There are two passages of scripture in particular that the Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit concerning this.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: Isa 55:8-10 


The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2Pe 3:9


Now concerning the first passage of scripture, remember the plane analogy I just shared. From an airplane the earth looks like a multi-textured quilt interwoven in various patterns, and it appears so small that you can see States from an oval window at once. Now imagine God sees way more than we can see from an oval window in a plane, which means that while we are like one speck of dust compared to the multitude of people everywhere from His view, we look at our pain, our circumstances and we isolate ourselves from the world. Forgetting the second passage of scripture I shared, which is that God is longsuffering for a reason. That reason is he desires that none shall perish. He even cares about that man who went into the Emmanuel AME  ministry and murdered those people in Charleston, and watched as they prayed then killed them with no remorse afterwards.  Before you get angry at me for making that statement, just keep reading.   Why would he allow this person to live and so many innocent people to die? Well, because God sees our eternal welfare as being more important than our temporal state of being. Read Acts 7, here we see Stephen sharing the truth with his own people, just giving them a history lesson of the faithfulness of God and the unfaithfulness of God’s people. After he shares this profound truth with them they didn’t rejoice and thank him for this revelation, but stoned him. God would allow a man who is doing His work, and according to the passage itself full of the Holy Spirit to be stoned to death. He didn’t allow him to escape it, didn’t raise him from the dead, but rather brought him to his heavenly place to enter into the glory set before him. From our perspective it would seem that the just thing might have been for God to strike down those wicked people for murdering him, but if he did that what would be the eternal state of those who died? We know that it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment. This means the end result for such a person in this position would be eternity in the lake which burns with fire. As important as this life is, it is temporal, no matter how we exit it, the point is we will exit it. Whether we suffer for our sake or righteousness sake we will not live forever in these bodies.


Rom 8:23  And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

Knowing where you will go when you exit this body and being able to rejoice that our name is written in the lamb’s book of life it is the security that we as believers should have that helps us keep a heavenly perspective when we are faced with hellish circumstances. I don’t weep for believers who meet their Maker, they have gone home as Paul puts it.

We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 2Co 5:8

One might say then if that is the case then why don’t we just end it all, before someone takes our life, or at least then I can choose how I exit? Because your life is very important, like Paul you have a mission and your heavenly reward is based on you completing it. Eternal life is a free gift that we receive but don’t confuse the perks of position with the benefits available with it. There are rewards for living a dedicated life to Christ, not in quitting life. In fact scripture makes it clear that quitting is not an option that reaps reward, no matter how hard things get.


And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. Luk 9:62

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Rev 21:8

Those who give up on life fall under the category of the fearful, and faithless. If we are living for ourselves and consider our lives to be our own, instead of being that which is bought with a price then we fall under that category. Some days we can feel like it takes way more courage to live than to end it all.  Your life is valuable and even if not to anyone but Christ, then live for Him. He gave up this life so that you could have eternal life, that is why there is no greater love than His. Indeed bad things do happen to innocent people, and isn’t it awesome that we serve a God that knows that intimately.

I did a series on Matt 10:16 focusing on the characteristics of a serpent that we as believers should apply to our lives.  Isn’t it interesting God didn’t say be ye as wise as Solomon, yet though he was given wisdom unlike any other man.  Think about it, we are in the situation as humans that we are in because a serpent was able to deceive Eve.  We need to tap into the wisdom of a serpent from a heavenly perspective, so that we would be able to defeat the enemy of our lives with the wisdom that God has made available in the earth.  I am making it available as an e-book. This e-book will show you:

  1. How the characteristics of a serpent can translate into wisdom for a believer and how we should walk in that wisdom.
  2. How to understand how Spiritual principles can be extracted from getting a natural understanding of how God created the serpent.
  3. Often times we don’t get what we need in our walk with Christ because we don’t hask the right questions.  The right questions in how we study can make a tremendous difference in its benefit for us.  It is insightful in that it will ask questions at the end of each chapter so that you can reflect on them and gauge if you are using this wisdom in your life.

The e-book is currently in pre-production, but you can fill out the form below to let me know that you are interested in reserving a copy.  The cost will be $5.00.  I am making e-books to save on cost of printing.  If you would prefer a hard copy please let me know as you submit me your contact information, if enough people are interested in a hard copy I will provide print on demand, but the cost will more than likely be more than $5.00.


Finding My Way Out Of Endo

cave-555727_1920So I haven’t had to deal with any pain or other issues with endometriosis since 2001.  I have read countless testimonies online about the battle with this disease for so many women.  But I know it is the favor of God that has kept me from making this part time headache a full time job.  However, the last few weeks I have been getting that oh so familiar feeling but this time not during my cycle, and coupled with constipation.  Unfortunately, IBS has been a battle since my surgeries.  Bouts of diarrhea and constipation coupled with occasional cramping would become an occasional unwanted guest in my day.  After the surgeries I had in 2001 I already had my mind made up that the only physician’s prescription I will follow is that of the Great Physician, Messiah Yahushah.

Although I have had constipation before I never recalled it causing me to have that sort of pain before.  That is when I perceived Yah was revealing to me that the constipation I was experiencing was the culprit for the pain.  When I relieved the constipation, I relieved the pain.  Unfortunately, it took an enema to do the trick.  I can’t remember the last time I used one of these, but I assure you it is not the path I would choose to alleviate it, but desperate times cause for desperate measures.  So I went everywhere looking for one of those old fashion water bottle kits, had no luck finding one.  Everything is linked back to already created elixirs, so I had to turn to ordering online what I needed.  However, until then I ended up getting the already put together kit of saline solution and it worked.  It took about half a day before the pain completely vanished from seering up my right leg, and that is when I came to the conclusion that constipation could be irritating the inflammation, causing the pain.  I had already been daily drinking smoothies with berries and radishes but this pain was still coming. It was only when I was able to get the sewage out of my system that I experienced relief.  The constipation hasn’t gone completely away, yet, but the pain sure has.  Once my kit comes in I will keep you posted on what mix I used and if it is helping.  I will probably post my results on