Monthly Archives: January 2015

Remain Calm

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Php 4:6) 

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: (Jas 1:19)

It is important for us to realize when Yah is telling us to be silent. The worst thing you can do is speak when Yah has said to be quiet. Sometimes our thoughts become like a loud radio polluting the airways with unprofitable material. Knowing when to speak and when to listen is an acquired taste that most don’t have a palette to discern, yet synchronizing ourselves with our Creator makes for a fulfilling life. Desiring only to give Him pleasure and fulfill his purpose. There are a number of things on my mind but in this season I sense Yah telling me to just be still and know that He is. (Psa. 46:10) Not to get anxious, worry, or fret, but to just watch and see what He does next. Sometimes when we speak we give ammunition to the enemy or at the very least reveal the weak points in our infantry.   I’m learning a new technique of battle, and sometimes silence is the best weapon one can use against an unseen, unknown force. My life often mimics’ verses in scripture and when I discern what part of the script I am reading I can stay in sync with my purpose, but often times my mind is on a coffee break when the director has already yelled “action”. Most of my life’s choices have been my own, but at some point we find ourselves in need of something that we can’t make happen on our own and man can’t do it for us, this is the time to remain calm, get quiet, and wait on the Lord. Find a fueling station and get ready to fly because your strength is about to be replenished, your tank is about to be filled. (Isa. 40:31)


A – Between 2 #’s

For those of us from the old school of learning who still appropriate the use of formal and informal English especially in written communication my title may seem like gibberish. However, for those of us who have mastered the new chic use of text lingo then my title is right on point with communication in the 21st century. If we can get past my inappropriate use of informal language in a formal article I would like to use my title as a means of illustrating an important lesson we learn from such swift communication.

One Spiritual lesson texting does teach us is the importance of valuing our time and resources because the brevity of words was adopted as a means of convenience in communication. The focus in texting is getting your point across in a short period of time using as few words as possible. I find that the more we talk, the more we tend to put our foot in our mouths. Scripture teaches us to let our yes be yes and our no be no, anything more is of the evil one. (James 5:12) We also see that we will be judged for every idle word that we speak, that alone makes it wise to keep it short, simple, and most importantly accurate. (Matt. 12:36)

If we would apply the standard rules of English to texting, important communication would lose its relevance because one of the benefits of texting is the transfer of communication in a fast and efficient manner. Applying the rules of English in writing would cause your vitally important time sensitive communication to become a shelf fixture that would require scrutinizing and inventory checking that would become useless to a person who is in need of knowing now that their house is on fire. Having this information days later after undergoing re-edits would only cause the individual needing to know their house is on fire further damage to their structure.

Scripture teach us that “knowledge has increased”. (Dan. 12;4) in the technological age we live in where information transfers between people and places at the speed of light no one can argue the fulfillment of this scripture. The bible gives a perfect example to illustrate my point. ”No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.” (Mat 9:16-17)

As many of us scrutinize the use of language today much as our parents and grandparents probably scrutinized the use of language of the preceding generation we fail to see the very important picture Yah is painting for us. While we have the same amount of time in our day going all the way back to day one when time was invented there is an urgency because as knowledge increases so does wickedness. We have to redeem the time because the days are evil. (Eph. 5:16) While I appreciate the importance of perfecting our communication so that we don’t give place to the enemy we can’t afford to not warn people they are heading into a burning building just because we missed a few dotted I’s or used a comma where a semi colon would have been more efficient. We don’t have years to reach a person who will face their Creator tomorrow. There is an urgency in the Spirit realm because we are in the Day of the Lord and as a result transfer of communication along with the way we communicate mimics’ the time we are living in. We have today, and Yah can use us even in our imperfections to make a lasting difference towards tomorrow, if we are willing to be used.

What will you do with your dash? All of us have a birth date and the majority of us will have a death date. Please believe Satan wants to decrease the dash in your life as much as he possibly can. He will use anything to keep you unprofitable for the kingdom of Yah. For that reason it is essential that you live on purpose. Those who aren’t living on purpose aren’t living at all, just merely existing.






There’s something about that Name – YHWH Nissi

In this episode we will look at YHWH our Banner of victory. YHWH Nissi shows up once in scripture and that is in Exodus chapter 17. In this chapter Israel goes to war with Amalek and as Joshua (Yahushah) is fighting the enemy of God’s bride, Israel, Moses is standing on a hill with his hands raised up with the rod of God. As long as his hands were raised up Israel would win, but when his arms came down then they would begin to lose. To remedy this Aaron and Hur stand on either side of him as he sat on a stone.

This stone is very interesting, in Hebrew the word is (H68) abn ( abn) the first two characters (ab ) aleph bet stands for Abba or Ab in short form which would be equivalent to our Father or daddy. We see this Hebrew term in our Greek text in Mark 14:36, Rom. 8:15, and Gal. 4:6. The Strong’s number for this word is (H1). The two characters together means strong house, or reflects that the Father is the “Strength of the House”.

When we take the second and the last character of abn (bn ) we see another picture. The Hebrew word for son is Bin as in Osama Bin Laden, the two characters together mean house seed. Reflecting that the stone that Moses sat on, just as the stone that Jacob would later rest on reflects that our foundation must be built on the rock of YHWH (the Father) and Yahushah (the Son). Equally as important is that you can’t have the stone without both, it takes both the Father and son to make up the characters that makes up that word. Therefore, those who don’t accept the son have not the Father, and those who don’t accept the Father doesn’t have the son. (John 15:24; John 16:3; John 14:6-9)

The major point being made in many of the scriptures sited is that they are one. In fact you can’t even come to the Father except through the son. Although the Father is greater and the Son makes that clear, and even in the order of the words it is clear that the word starts with the Father then the son, albeit in our language the appearance would suggest that it starts with the Son and ends with the Father. Which is prophetic because no man hath seen the Father at anytime, but the son which is in the bosom of the Father has declared him. (John 1:18) So as we read it in English order we can see that the first will come last (Zech. 14:4) and the last did come first (Heb. 10:10).

Now having taken that detour from the word Nissi we can now see what Yah was revealing to us concerning the stone that Moses sat on. We can begin to look at how Nissi which mean’s banner points to the Messiah. But before we go there let’s look at what a banner does. A banner from the text is clear something that had to be seen, for one he is on a hill as the battle is taking place. Much like in Zechariah 14 when we see the Father will be on a mountain (high place like a hill) when a battle will be taking place. We then see that Yahushah, His son much like Joshua son of Nun (which by the way Nun is the last character in abn – which mean’s seed). Hence his name would mean “Yah’s salvation house seed, seed”. So we see the picture of what is taking place in this battle is prophetic of what will take place in the last days.

Once again looking at that banner (Nissi) we could easily see that if one wanted to make sure that a banner that is on a rod is going to be most visible by the people and will be held with two hands having one on one side and another on the other side holding the hands that this banner must be horizontal. Much as the horizontal bar that made the cross (t) appeared from Calvary which was also up on a Mount. It was at Calvary that Yahushah rightfully said “it is finished” that the battle against the enemy of Yah’s people was won. So what they had back then was a foreshadowing of what we look back to, concerning the Cross of Christ our Messiah. How awesome is that?

So having made that connection we have one more layer to His story in Nissi, and that is to look at the Hebrew characters that make it up. Since we have already in previous episodes revealed that YHWH means “the hand reveal the nail reveal”. We only need to focus on Nissi in order to get the full meaning of the name. The Hebrew strong’s number for YHWH Nissi which again only appears once is H3071. Because YHWH Nissi is a proper name the meaning doesn’t appear in the AHLB and though the Strong’s will give you the information I presented earlier with the Ancient Hebrew picture and meaning you get a fuller understanding. Therefore, I would like to copy the information presented in the AHLB (Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible).

ns Standard ab: Refuge: The pictograph n is a picture of a seed representing continuance, the samech is a picture of a thorn representing the idea of grabbing hold. Combined these mean “continue to grab hold”. The tribal flag that is hung from a horizontal pole and lifted up high and seen from a distance. (AHLB)

Now as we have learned in subsequent episodes that Hebrew language has root words and the characters above represent the root word. Primarily I do this because the AHLB does not give definitions of proper nouns; however, what it does give us can get us off to a good start.   The only difference in characters from this root word and the word Nissi is a (yad ) so the word put together is

( yadns ) and the last character which is the picture of a hand means to work, make, or throw. Altogether we see that Yah is the one who continues to grab hold of His work. In our lives we experience him continuously grabbing hold of our hand. However, also notice what the individual characters in themselves show us as the Samech (samech) is the picture of a “thorn” we must remember what can a thorn do to us? It can pierce our skin. Hence we see that the Seed of God would be pierced in His hand and therefore YHWH (the hand reveal the nail revealed) would see (His Seed Pierced in His hands).

Why would this appear once? Because this would happen only once. We see in the life of Moses a series of experiences that are unique to only him. This is significant because Deuteronomy 18 tells us that there would be a prophet, denoting only one other, who would be like Him. Therefore what He did with Moses, how he expressed himself to Moses, the miracles He chose to do through Moses were never again duplicated, in the same measure until Messiah comes on the scene. Let’s look at just a few, how many people saw a burning bush that we read in scripture?

How many was able to do the magnitude of plagues that we see? How many were able to make the earth swallow people up? The magnitude and multitude of miracles that Yah did through Moses was only topped by Yahushah, and that was so we can have no excuse to deny Him as the one Moses spoke of in Deuteronomy. As He said “if I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin…” (John 15:24)

As you read this series you should really consider all the evidence that is being laid before you and ask yourself if you haven’t accepted Yahushah as your Lord and Savior, why not? What is hindering you? The evidence from the Old Testament to the New Testament and with the restoring of the original language means none of us are without excuse. If you have not accepted the work that was done for you by the Banner of life then I invite you to come. He is making this possible for you, you are reading this because you have heard so many say this Jesus is the Messiah, but the abundance of confusion has left you straddling the fence. But these evidences are being laid out before you so that you can have no excuse, just come to Him. He’ll change your life.

Next episode of There’s Something about that name we will look at YHWH Ra’ah in Psalms 23, YHWH our Shepherd.

All Ancient Hebrew Characters provided by Jeff Benner Ancient Hebrew Research Center