Monthly Archives: June 2016

Unity Not Uniformity


Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Eph. 4:13


Notice how this scripture doesn’t say come into the uniformity of the faith, but the unity of the faith. Which like these bottles reflect, we come in different forms and sizes by design. Mankind desires you to look just like them, bricks. While the Father molds you for His purposes. God creates stones with different shapes, sizes, and colors. Mankind makes cookie cutter bricks that hates individuality and uniqueness. But our uniqueness by design was important to God because it also reflects our purpose. Which is also different by design. To move in the plans God has for you, you have to be willing to go against societal norms, be willing to sometimes where the loud and bold colors so that Christ in you can get the world’s attention. The key to being uniquely used is not just being different in how you act, but in who you represent. The whole world is self serving seeking to represent itself. You stand out by simply making your difference your platform for Christ. A chance for others to see the Holy Spirits work in you.

Does your marriage need a booster shot?  Find yourself looking for a way out of a “until death do us part” situation?  Just pump the breaks and give me 5 minutes to try to jumpstart your marriage.  Don’t give up just yet, God has a plan for your pain and a new beginning for the dead end you find yourself in.  Marriage is challenging, but worth every minute.  Not all marriages need to end some just need a little boost.  I pray this video will bless you, and help you hang in there.