Overwhelmingly Grateful

I am always overwhelmed by the awesomeness of God.  Only He can orchestrate life in such a way that where He needs you, you will be.  After a trip of a lifetime, I had plans to share with my family my report of the land the bible says flows with milk and honey. Yah made it affordable and mixed with my faith that every detail of my return home from home would be completed in the most efficient way.  

Unfortunately, duty called my husband to work so the end of my adventure would be just me.  So after two days in Atlanta with my sister we traveled to SC for my Aunt’s 67th birthday party. A full yard arrayed with many people from all over coming to celebrate with her.  It was a high affair to say the least.  I was so excited to see both my mom and dad, but neither was on time.  This caused no alarm as this was the usual pattern.  Then something strange occurred. Apparently a friend of my dad’s was bringing him, but after strange behavior by him which she didn’t understand clearly triggered a response of frustration and confusion caused her to leave him in a condition I would later find was dire. 

When I found him on the floor conscious but shaking I asked if he was okay and why he was on the floor.  He responded slurring he was okay.  I knew instantly from previous experience he was having a seizure, but unlike before he had to have been in this position for longer than an hour and he wouldn’t or rather couldn’t physically grab my hand to get up.  So I called 911 despite his pleas not to, realizing he wasn’t aware of his condition.  

Let me back up a bit, driving to his house I prayed in the Spirit for Yah to prepare me and ground me for whatever I might see.  I wanted to be calm because the tendency to be emotional in such a situation can cause you the one needing to be rational to become irrational.  So I prayed with every decision and every step for guidance.  This served me well. But not going into great detail, the bottom line is we got to the hospital and he is in somewhat stable condition, though he hasn’t gotten up yet.  So your continue prayer for him to wake up fully would be appreciated.

However with all the possible negative things I could easily dwell on I am in awe that every detail was accounted for.  You see what happened to my dad could have happened if my plane from Israel didn’t just happen to layover in Atlanta which was key to me making it.  If my Aunt didn’t have this party I would have been in Louisiana.  If my sister wasn’t going she wouldn’t have been at the party to be alarmed that something was wrong, and probably I would have taken a megabus rather then drive which would have left me without a car.  And then if she wasn’t there she could not have told me, who having witnessed my dad’s seizure in the past to discern the urgency, and had my dad’s friend not told us what happened and the state he was in, plus leave the door unlock so that I could get to him, this alarm could have been a full blown tragedy. Even little details didn’t go unnoticed, I didn’t have any real food all day because the party was on the Sabbath I knew I wouldn’t buy anything to eat, and most of my snacks weren’t that healthy, so by that evening when we ate I made sure I got in the line and ate early.  The nourishment was essential to helping me stay well and had I waited I wouldn’t have eaten at all.  

So you see regardless of the outcome, I am grateful I was able to be there for my dad who is always there for me.  And overwhelmed that my heavenly Father who has allowed me to serve my in-laws when in need has blessed me to be able to serve my dad in his need. While I could ask questions about why he was left or if he was taking his meds, or why he didn’t have oh his life alert.  The bottomline is I can’t overlook the fact that Yah knew what would happen and made it possible for my dad NOT to be alone in his time of need and allowed me to be the one able to be there.  Praise YAH, only He can use weak moments in our lives to reveal His presence in every detail.

I share this hoping it will encourage my family to trust God has everything under control, but also to let others know the benefits of being in the kingdom of Yah.  The God of Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers and I am so thankful that I am in the family of God and get to reap the benefits of being in His kingdom.  HalleluYah

1 thought on “Overwhelmingly Grateful

  1. Becky McCann

    Yah orchestrates things perfectly even though we sometimes do not see it except in hindsite! Love you, sister, and will be praying for you and your family!


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