Monthly Archives: January 2017

Identifying the Anti-Christ from the Beginning

From the Beginning…

From the moment Yah told Adam and Eve that they can eat from any tree in the Garden accept the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil it was clear who the antagonist was in the land.  This role was masterfully played by the serpent.


“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (Gen 3:1)


The scriptures always tell the story, and since the end is declared in the beginning we discover a lot of things about the “anti-Christ” from his first appearance on the scene.  So as we just read concerning the serpent that he was “more subtil” than any other beast.  That word subtil in hebrew means cunning, smooth.  In our day and age it would be that suave, charismatic speaker who can charm you with complements and seduce you with deception.  Next thing you know you are the biggest cheerleader of the one who is trying to destroy you.  Be careful of those with forked tongues and smooth talking ways.  Notice, if you have read the first two chapters of Genesis, you will notice that Adam was the one who theFather spoke too.  Yet the direction of the conversation that this serpent is having is not with the man in command but with the one that was brought forth from his rib.  Beware of men who would choose to reach the general by going through the cadet.  Notice, he didn’t approach Adam with his seductive ways, much as a man interested in getting in some man’s daughters pants won’t first have a conversation with the dad to see if it is okay to date his daughter, but will instead smooth talk the daughter and once she is thoroughly convinced he is the man for her, causing division between her and her dad.  This is how a snake operates, this is how he maneuvers he always will go through someone who is supposed to be under authority to overturn the one who is in authority.  Thus, he uses the woman to get to the man, through questioning the ultimate authority, God, by throwing doubt on the original instructions.

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (Gen 3:4-5)


So what does he do?  He convinces her that God is lying, but not only lying, holding back from her.  This is the spirit of anti-christ.  Anti-christ will always attack the instructions of authority, will challenge the instructions of the Most High by accusing the authority of the Most High to be holding back from you.  An attempt to keep you from something or challenge you to question the attentions of Yah for your good.  Because once he can convince you that Yah doesn’t have your best interest at heart he can convince you to swallow whatever pill he is trying to get you to take.


So recap, from the beginning the first thing to recognize about the anti-christ and the anti-christ spirit is,

  • He is cunning,
  • He uses those under authority to overtake those in authority and gain his power
  • He is charming, he will always feed your ego, especially if that is what it takes to get you to turn against Yah.



How to Understand the Will of YHVH for Your Life Day 7 Creation Week Revelation: Entering the Rest of God

It would seem a vacation after working would be appreciated and desired, but amazingly it’s one of the hardest things for people to do. We are so wired by Egypt to hustle, and bustle, to always be thinking about the next move that we don’t get to enjoy the fruit of the labor we have already done six days of this seven week cycle. Yet, the Creator of the universe rested on the Seventh day, and that alone should be an indication to us that on this journey in life that rest is an essential component to our well-being. Even the things made by man must rest at some point, how we have come to the determination that this is not an essential part of our health is beyond me. Nevertheless, those who refuse to take heed to the counsel of God will find themselves not only not blessed, but stressed.

Rest is a perfect picture of faith, that in a world of chaos and in a physical state that as man we find ourselves in need of such things as food, shelter, and clothing which requires work to acquire, retirement is the thing we are hoping for, yet not seen until well into our future. The goal for many of us is not to work until we are laid down in a casket, but the idea that our time of labor would reap the rewards of having ownership over our time. Where we can do as we please without having to set alarms in the morning, schedule time off for vacation or sickness, or leave for various reasons, but where we can enjoy the years of toil we have put in by having control of our time, talent, and treasury. The picture of rest was so important for us to understand that not only was it incorporated in the Creation week, but it was the first honeymoon given to man, and reiterated as one of the Ten Words (Commandments) we see written in Exodus 20. Yah never wanted us to forget the beginning (Genesis), and He never intended for us to keep our eyes off of the rest that only comes from Him, the Sabbath. Those who serve Him respect his gift of rest and denounce the spirit of Pharaoh that would refuse rest for the people. In this must have it now world it is very easy to side ourselves with the beast system that we are forced to serve and push ourselves to work seven days a week, but our God doesn’t call us to slavery, he calls us to peace. He calls us to rest in him and to recognize that He is our Source; everything else is a resource he provides for us.


Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. (Exo. 20:8-11)


Some may believe the focus is simply on taking a day to rest, but I would implore you to study the word Sabbath in scripture. One consistent thing you will find is that the word itself was always synonymous with the seventh day. If that wasn’t clear enough evidence let’s consider the fact that it is connected with the seventh year rest to the land, the Feast of Weeks counts seven Sabbath’s, in which misunderstanding of the day to rest will effect you counting appropriately to the Feast of Weeks. (Deut. 16:9)  The very last thing you want to be is late to an appointment with the Almighty.  Don’t believe me consider the five foolish virgins and their fate for tardiness.  Sounds of weeping and gnashing just doesn’t sound appealing to me. (Matt. 25)  Understanding what it means to rest takes time, because we have to deprogram ourselves from being the one’s in control of our lives, and requires that we trust Yah, and in our society that has it’s busiest shopping day and greatest temptations for pleasure on the seventh day we find ourselves seduced by our own desires.  However, if we ever find that place where we enter into that rest we get just a glimpse of what it will be like in eternity.  We find ourselves quiet enough to understand what it means to take His yoke upon us and to learn of Him. (Matt. 11:30)  We find that in scripture there is only one recorded day that Jesus healed people, and that day is the Sabbath.  I would think that, that alone should be reason enough to make sure we know what day that was, I mean if we are in need of healing we certainly wouldn’t want to miss the day that He will be providing it.  Even the man at the lake called beautiful understood the importance of being at the waters during the time that the Angel was said to trouble it for his breakthrough.

In a world where we are so sick unfortunately we don’t even realize until its destitute that we are in need of healing.  Our soul, our mind, and our bodies have sustained trauma that has had irreparable damage, that no scalpel in the most skillful of hands can cure, only the healing balm of the Almighty can reach those tender spaces.  Those fortunate enough to enter into His rest will find that balm and experience that weekly renewal.  Which is a picture of a much bigger rest to come, after ALL of the enemies of the Almighty are put down, including death itself. (Rev. 20:14)

Points to Ponder

I encourage you to study the Sabbath, make sure that you are resting, and that the day you are resting is in line with the Creator, not just your theology.  It is only the truth of His word that will deliver you NOT the word of man.  Be fully convinced based on the word of God concerning what the Sabbath is, and how we are to keep it.  Here are a few scriptures to start you off.

Gen. 2:2-3; Exo. 20:8-10; Isa. 58

Are You Good or Are You Covered

We in our society seem to be preoccupied with our own goodness. Labels of who`s good and who`s bad seem to be thrown around like pillows across a bed, yet this term is a misnomer. The issue was settled in scripture by the only one who could rightfully be identified as “good”. (Matt. 19:17)  There will be thousands of so called “good” people who will go to hell and their goodness won’t save them, only obedience to the Gospel will. Just as it was in Egypt, believe it or not, not every Egyptian was brutal like Pharaoh was. Much like the culture we have today you have many who didn’t own Hebrew slaves or necessarily mistreat them, many just enjoyed the benefits of a privileged life being a descendant of the prevailing nationality that was in power. Yet, their privilege came to an end when the judgments begin to hit and a distinction was made by the Almighty, but in favor of the oppressed, not the privileged. However, even the oppressed wouldn’t have been spared from the final blow to the Egyptians had they not obeyed the requirements of the gospel, and based on the mixed multitude that left with the Hebrews from Egypt I would venture to say that many of those who were Egyptians or a crossbreed between the two nations reaped the benefits when they obeyed the tenets of the Almighty, which was to accept the Gospel.

Good people from every religion under heaven will meet their fate in hell and it won’t be as a result of the good they did, but as a result of them not applying the blood on the doorpost of their heart as the only acceptable atonement for their sin. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Rom 3:23) Their rejection of allowing the sacrifice of the unblemished Lamb to become a part of their being, and refusing to walk in the faithful trust that every Hebrew who was spared from the loss of a child were responsible to do will be responsible for their destiny. Lack of obedience comes at a great cost and many will pay that cost with their life, for the wages of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23)  The gift has already been extended which leads to eternal life and the “good person” won`t be eligible to obtain it, only the covered person will. So instead of focusing on how “good” we are let`s start focusing on how saved we are, because its not our goodness that will deliver us, but rather His salvation.