Monthly Archives: May 2014

As It Was In The Beginning

Isaiah 46:9-10 tells us that Yah declared the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done. This scripture reveals that if we want to know the end (which draws nearer with each breath) that we must understand what happened in the beginning. It has been said that Genesis is the seed book, that the entire bible unfolds like a seed sprouting from the ground. A misunderstanding of the beginning will cause us to be completely confused about the day and hour we are living in. For instance understanding the beginning will help us to better understand why a land that is as small as Israel is the crux of such controversy and the place where all of the world’s guns are pointed. Touching Yah’s people and Yah’s land is always the central focus of the enemy, because his goal is to be God. How does an enemy prove his authority? By taking out all those who opposes it, therefore the enemies tactics are no different than that which we see when we understand the significance of sports, the adversarial position it puts you in because the goal is that one will win and by default that means there has to be a loser. In every action pack superhero adventure there is a villain (antagonist) and then there is the hero (protagonist). We know the hero will always win going into the movie, but what keeps us on the edge of our seat is how this will be brought about. Such predictions concerning the end can also be found in the beginning.

Let’s examine what was the cause of humanity which was created for life eternal yet by their choice became subject to death? In general we would say disobedience, which is an accurate assessment of the situation, but doesn’t exactly cover the particular infraction that was made. Yah doesn’t just share facts without a reason. Every detail is important for us to understand something not just about the beginning but also the end. As we have been advised by Ecclesiastes there is indeed nothing new under the sun. (Ecc. 1:9) So what was it again that caused the Father and Mother of all humanity to fall? It was eating food off of the wrong tree. From life eternal a sure death was based upon that which we put into our mouths. Today what is the cause of most of the autoimmune diseases that are responsible for shortening our lives? FOOD or at least something disguised as food under the label of “substantially equivalent”. We are slowly killing ourselves because we continue to eat that which God said would surely bring death rather than eating that which would surely bring life. As you journey through scripture you will see that instructions concerning diet by God continued throughout scripture and remained one of the things that he intended to set his people apart.

We find that God distinguishes diet for those who are his and those who are not. When Noah gets off the ark we find for the first time that God permits humanity to eat meat. (Gen. 1:29) Humanities meat from the beginning was that which came from vegetation. Many of us are familiar with the instructions Yah gave to Noah before boarding the ark concerning how many of every kind were permitted to board; unless your only encounter with this passage of scripture has been that of Hollywood’s interpretation. While the enemy has of course his purposes of altering truth, it is very important to know the answer to this question in full. Many who have only encountered this scripture by way of television enactment will more than likely come to the wrong conclusion that there were only two of every kind of animal allowed aboard. This is a partial truth, when we actually go back to read in Genesis 7:2 we will see that God actually instructed Noah to put seven of every clean kind on the ark and two of the unclean.

Many would ask the question why would God want to preserve unclean animals? To which I would ask another question, which if you understand the answer to it will help you understand the answer to this question. “Why would the Father put a tree in the garden that would cause death if one ate from it?” Would it not have been better just to remove the possibility of sin altogether? But then if humanity cannot choose to love can they truly love? God didn’t want computers, he wanted a family. This is why Yahushah when he teaches his disciples how to pray instructs them to pray, “Our Father…” (Matt. 6:9)

Therefore in Genesis 9:3-4 we see that Noah is told that mankind can eat of any animal that they desire, yet take note that if this was God’s desire for all humanity what would be the significance of labeling one clean and the other unclean? So then what we see occurring is that God only allows the clean animals to be offered up to him as a sacrifice. How is this significant to us? Genesis 1:26 tells us what the goal for humanity is from the beginning. He desired for us to be made in his image and likeness. If we are to be like God shouldn’t we then only desire the things that are pleasing to Him? If we know that his desire is to have a relationship with us then the question to ask ourselves is in our relationship with our earthly parents is it customary that children eat a different diet then their parents? So let’s consider this, Noah when he gets off the ark is told that mankind can eat anything that moves, yet we see that Noah clearly understood that only clean animals should be offered up to Yah as offerings since we see that he did indeed sacrifice only clean animals to God. (Gen. 8:20)

Hence, as it was in the beginning God who created both trees, who created both animals, now allows both animals in the midst of the earth hence giving humanity a choice. When we examine animals that are considered clean versus those considered unclean we notice that those which are unclean have a consistent diet of eating that which lends itself towards death. Of those that are unclean that don’t feed on death we see that those animals preserve a particular use to humanity as servants of mankind such as the horse or the donkey. While we can come up with numerous philosophical and legitimate scientific purposes for why we should not eat the things God said not to eat and why we should eat the things he said to eat the bottom line is like Adam and Eve we have to make a choice, either we will accept God at his word knowing that he is not a man that he shall lie nor the son of man that he shall repent, and choose the acceptable diet or we will consume ourselves with reasoning as to why we can choose to eat what we want even when it lends itself towards death.

While we find no evidence that Abraham ate anything other than that which is clean according to scripture we do not see Yah addressing what foods are acceptable or unacceptable until we get to Exodus. It is here that we find a restriction of food once again given. Now the first object forbidden to eat in Genesis was fruit, the second object forbidden to eat was meat, now in this particular case the third object forbidden to eat is bread, specifically leavened bread.

This somewhat lengthy introduction serves as the crescendo to an indepth ongoing study looking into the Biblical Diet where we rather than taking isolated sound bites from the end of the Bible actually go back to the foundation of the New Testament to really answer the question concerning if the Biblical diet established by Yah was intended to be kept by those who follow him or not? In this particular series of writing we will be discussing the biblical diet. Many of us are accustomed to all the secular diets on the table, there’s the Atkins diet, the Paleo diet, the Gluten Free diet, the vegan diet, and on and on and on. All of which boasts benefits of weight loss, sugar regulation, allergy free living, and much, much, more. None of which compete with the Biblical diet point of fact I would say the biblical diet would be the balance of them all flourishing in a wide variety of options from vegetables, fruit, meats, seeds, dairy, and grains.

In conclusion, this particular article serves as an introduction, but my hope is that you will indeed ponder the rhetorical questions I have put forth and investigate for yourself what the scriptures teach concerning diet. I can give you scripture upon scripture to indeed prove that Yah did establish a specific diet for His set apart people whether you call yourself Jew (Judah) or Gentile (Israel who also calls themselves the church). Jeremiah tells us that the New covenant was made between two groups of people and that is the House of Judah and the House of Israel, these two make up the church. This is clearly revealed in scripture since the very first church was the “church in the wilderness” as reflected in the book of Acts. (Jeremiah 31:31; Acts 7:38) There is no covenant made with gentiles, no gate at the entrance to the city named after them in Revelation, it is only a covenant with the twelve tribes of which we enter in by blood, and that blood is that of Yahushah. Accepting His blood is not license to sin, but rather victory over it. Thus his holy life is made sanctified through our walking as he did not contrary to how he did. Hence, how we eat as well as how we live reveals who we serve as it was in the beginning.