Category Archives: food for thought

When We Open Our Mouths

There are a lot of words in the midst of the mouth coverings that is taking place. Largely because we are also in the voting season where many people are trying to plead their own particular case. In the midst of the shouting something that stood out to me as I was reading Proverbs this morning, and it was a message to Lemuel, which most authors agree is Solomon, and was a message from his mother Bathsheba. It was clearly sound wisdom concerning how he should govern the kingdom that he would inherit as she was telling him what the position of a a king should be. I bring this up right now because as we are positioning for putting someone in office the wisdom is sound and so very pertinent today for us to consider. Why is it important to know who these words apply to? Because instructions in the bible have a direction and it is important to know to whom God is speaking, because it is to whom He is speaking that He will hold them accountable for their actions either in line or against His written word, and the leading of His Spirit.

There are two important verses that I would like to highlight, and as readers who are NOT in nor applying for the position of President it is important to note who is speaking to the soon to be King and current Prince so that you know where too she who was not in a position of authority stood, and likewise where we should stand, as the word then is applicable now.

Pro 31:8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.
Pro 31:9 Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.

So it is very clear that in verse 8 those who we are to open our mouth’s for, and it is for those who are appointed to destruction. This applies clearly to the life in the womb as they are mute and unable to speak to save their own lives. Secondly, however, and in the wake of many of us who are quick to speak on behalf of the mouth of the dumb we equally have to appoint one who will judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and the needy. So let’s be clear the majority of people who find themselves waiting in an abortion clinic to murder their babies (and yes I say murder, I will not sugar coat truth, and if you are pro-choice reading this I hope you let that thought sink in) are not those who are rich or attempting to remove an inconvenience from their lives. Many fall under the poor and needy disposition. While we are addressing the importance of saving their lives we also need to be equally concerned about providing resources that first address unwanted pregnancies before they occur through education, and secondly address viable alternatives for young people who find themselves in a position where their choice may result in them being homeless, without support, and without an opportunity to continue education so that they can either keep the child and care for them, or a safe way to address adoption as an option for those who realize they are not in a position to keep them.

For many mothers fear of their child being abused in adopted homes or foster care is a problem and finding placement for black babies or minority children is not always available. Let me be abundantly clear I am pro-life with only one exception and that being when its life for life. Meaning, if a mother’s life is at risk it is her right to either lay it down for her child or save her life at the risk of her child. Being pro-life I am also being called in this passage of scripture to judge righteously in the cause of the poor and needy. Therefore, we are instructed to be sensitive and concerned about both the life that is appointed to destruction and the person in need or who is poor who find themselves in the valley of decision.

While it is easy for those of us who don’t find ourselves in the myriad of circumstances those who are less fortunate are in to bring them to positions where they may in some cases be forced to have an abortion, the reality is we have to judge righteously and have viable alternatives for those who find themselves in this position. We have to understand the mind of the person who find themselves between this rock and hard place, along with legislation that makes abortion pills illegal, and abortion itself illegal. If we do not address the perceived need, we only feed and fuel the black market suppliers. More importantly we find ourselves not opening our mouths to judge righteously on behalf of the poor and needy.

Unprecedented Times & What That Means for Us As Believers

What manner of man shall we be in these unprecedented times? Should we continue business as usual or is there something YHVH wants us to learn in this time of isolation and reflection? I submit to you that there is and that this is a time of introspection and retrospection concerning our choices and the direction in which we are heading. I pray that this video will challenge you to research some of the traditions we hold dear and hold them up to the light of truth for examination by the Word of God.

Thy Kingdom Come

We can quote quite well, and one of the quotes that most believers learn early on is the Lord’s Prayer.  However, I was convicted recently when expounding more deeply on each part of the prayer concerning this particular phrase, “thy kingdom come”.  We pray for the kingdom but the real question is do we even know what the kingdom is?

Have we found the kingdom of heaven yet?  Have we found that which we are willing to sell all that we have to possess?  Have we seen or experienced a taste of the kingdom that is to come such that we desire it more than the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lust of other things?  If we are still toiling, conniving, living the stressed life instead of the blessed life then we haven’t found it yet.

And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

Matt 8:20

What is powerful about this truth is even without knowing where he would lay his head the Messiah understood the kingdom and where he was positioned in it?  He had full confidence in the Most High to provide for all of His needs without knowing what natural direction it would come from beforehand.  He wanted us to have that type of bold assurance as well.  I have to admit a lot of my confidence comes from knowing the answer to such questions like where I will lay my head, where my next meal is coming from. Can I believe that the righteous are not forsaken nor its seed begging bread if I already know that the money is in the bank or how the bills will be paid?  Do we really grasp how important we are to God?

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

Matt. 6:25-32

This passage of scripture reflects the evidence of Kingdom thinking.  When we can understand that we serve a God who has forethought.  Think about this passage, He mentions things that are not only significant to building the trust that YHVH has us, but there is an even greater revelation if we consider all the things that he uses as examples for us to grasp Yah’s provision are things that were created before we were.  In other words, these were things that God had foreknew, used forethought, and put in place to prepare for our eventual arrival on day six.  So in essence what He is saying is from the foundation of the world, in the beginning, I already considered what you would have need of today.  I mean like TODAY, July 20, 2019, as I am writing you God, has you.  No matter what your situation is, whether you can literally say I have no place to lay my head or any money to buy my meal, your provision is and has been accounted for sight unseen.

The key to seeing the kingdom and understanding this principle hinges on our understanding of what faith is.  There are several things the verse in Hebrews shares with us about faith.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Heb. 11:1

The first revelation is when faith takes place, and that is now!  It’s not faith if I believe it for later, I have to believe it now.  Now, when I can’t see it, touch it, taste it, or feel it.  Therefore faith is NOW!  That’s not it, we also must believe that faith has substance but not just any substance, but the substance of something that you want to happen.  You are hoping to see, believing God to do.  Again, this is an accepted truth even when it isn’t made manifest.  Hence what I have said from the beginning, you have to believe this sight unseen.  Therefore, I have to believe food is coming even when I haven’t ordered it, or the money is on the way even after Yah has told me to order the food that is coming.  We see Yeshua operating in this at all times.  From the water being turned into wine, to the 5,000 being fed with 2 small fish and 5 loaves of bread with leftovers to take on their journey, and as he paid taxes with money out of a fish’s mouth.

Faith is a revelation of the kingdom of the Most High.  If we believe we are in the Kingdom then we must also accept that we are not subject to the resources of the systems of this world, but rather provided for by the rules that govern the kingdom we are in.  If the kingdom of this world is my source then I must turn to it for my resources, but if the kingdom of heaven is where my provision lies then even if as the sons of God we have no place in the kingdom of this world to lay our head, we are not only okay but confident that our provision is accounted for.

Yah was revealing to us a picture of the kingdom in the positioning of the tribe of Levi.  Remember all of the other tribes received a worldly inheritance (land inheritance) but YHVH withheld the earthly inheritance from the Levites, and instead provided them with Himself as their inheritance.  They were established as a picture of understanding how the kingdom of God functions versus the kingdom of this world.  As stated in Matthew those of the kingdom of this world are Gentile seekers.  They worry about what they will eat, where they will sleep, what they will wear. But his disciples?  They were to have the sort of faith that when they go into a town they aren’t to even carry purse or script, no extra clothes because like the Levites those of the kingdom of Heaven operate under a different code of conduct.  Their provision comes from a reliance on the Most High not from a reliance of a check that won’t bounce or direct deposits from their company to their account.  From a “this world up” perspective it would seem as though the twelve tribes got a better deal in getting land to pass down to their children’s children while the Levites would appear to have received the short end of the stick.  But consider it this way land is something you need while you are on the earth it has a temporary purpose it serves while in these temporary vessels, but those who belong to YHVH have an eternal confidence that is built on eternal promises that extend beyond this temporal existence.  See the rich man and the poor alike will one day meet eternity, and one who understands the kingdom coming recognizes that our requirement of temporal things by those who meet our borrowed needs is investing their money into an eternal bank with endless dividends.

Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.  And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Matt 25:34-46

Here we see that our charity reveals something important enough to God that those who didn’t engage in it concerning His chosen ones won’t enter into heaven because of it.  How we give of our time, talent, and treasure reveals our lack of love and faith as well as our abundance of love and faith.  It reveals which kingdom we are looking to as our source, thus if we withhold it reveals we are looking to the kingdom of this world as our source in which there is a limit of supply and thus we have to do all we can to save our life and the comfort of our life.  If we are looking to the kingdom of Heaven as our provision then it is not subject to time, space, nor matter because it supersedes it and those things are subject to him.  Hence, if a man won’t give us what we need God has the ability to open the mouth of a fish to get what we need. His resources are without limitations to those who are trusting in Him.

What I am saying is when the kingdom has truly come in our hearts we recognize that we own nothing, we need nothing, and our faith is not dependent on anything that this world can offer, but is dependent solely on the provision of the Kingdom of God.  We know we have the resources of Heaven backing up our obedient acts to the Father.

The setting apart of the Levites reveals this truth.  YHVH established the requirements of the other tribes to supply the needs of the Levite’s but the other tribes still had to depend on YHVH to supply the rain, the seed, the fertility of the ground, and the health of the animals to reproduce in order to supply that which the Levites would need.  Remember they weren’t receiving a tithe of paperback dividends or gold standard marks, but rather from the herd (day five and six) creatures, and produce (day three) plants to meet their needs.  In exchange, they would receive healthy mediators (Levites) to intercede between God and them.

The kingdom of God operates on rules far beyond that of this present age.  If nothing else I hope this article serves to not only help us better understand the principles of the Kingdom of God but also to desire it.  To imagine a world where even when the world’s resources are dry such as during the time of Elijah you can receive food from a Raven or a widow.  In return when resources are not available at man’s obedience to God’s command you produce oil that doesn’t end until you run out of vessels.  It is my firm belief that when the natural resources of the Western world begin to dry up, that we will see the Supernatural unending manna from the Most High once again meet the needs of His people.  We will not only read, but we will know how the Kingdom operates and we will yearn for the Kingdom to come.  We will then taste and see how good the Lord is in ways unfathomable.

A Disciplined Life in Messiah

What exactly is a disciplined life in Messiah?  Has the Western Church become vulnerable to the plagues that have challenged the rest of Western civilization? Could we be guilty of the sin of Asa?  Are we seeking the physician’s wisdom instead of Yah? (2 Chr 16:12) We individually must answer this question through much time of prayer and steadfast seeking the Lord for correction.

As a nation love for money has overcome our love for people, and so, leads to symptom treatment instead of cures. Self-preservation instead of searching for viable solutions. Solutions found in the word of God that are overlooked are the key to why we suffer diseases. Countless examples are found of men of God who didn’t die of disease and the one who did, did so because he sought a physician instead of Yah for a remedy. (2 Ch. 16:12) There is a lesson in that for us, we’d do well to take heed to.

Who are we seeking for answers? Who did Moses, Abraham, David, Paul, Peter, James, John, look to for health solutions? Now don’t get it twisted I realize Yah can and does use mankind in healing men the same way He used Moses as the instrument by which the children of Israel received freedom. The point is are we seeking Him first for answers, are we being led by His Spirit? Do His sheep listen for His voice or forsake it for a stranger?

It just bothers me when we put our hopes in the things Yah has allowed mankind to discover more then Yah who gave it to us. He has the power and authority to flip the script as He sees fit. When we get to the point where we call the shots then we are in trouble. Where we are relying on last season’s serpent as the answer this season’s plague, instead of YHVH’s voice.

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. (Rom 8:19)

I believe the cure to our broken world, famine, disease, poverty, etc… Is when we who are the Sons of God wake up to our identity. When we come to the full stature, mature body walking together in love with an ear to heaven unbroken. There will be the manifestation, and this revelation right here the enemy is fighting with every arsenal he has at his disposal to keep us from experiencing. Thus as I began, the Torah trains us through a disciplined obedient loving relationship with Yah how to stay well to accomplish our mission. Believers should not be taken out this life through disease, murdered for preaching the Gospel, is at least in the realm of possibility. But the diseases of Egypt, the plagues upon humanity at large, should escape us.

For standing for righteousness, yes scripture makes clear, but through disease predicated on an undisciplined lifestyle, this shouldn’t be. He said He wouldn’t put none of the diseases He put on Egypt on us, if we hearken to His voice, do that which is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments.

And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee. (Exo 15:26)

Somewhere we are coming up short and a sick world is the evidence of our lack of obedience. This promise, of course, applies to the church, which is His body, NOT a building.

We know these benefits never was for those out of covenant. Believers living life in loving obedience to the Father means we would hear Yah who would then direct us in how to bring about liberty for those outside of Covenant for the end purpose of drawing them into the covenant. For its the goodness of Yah that leads men to repentance. (Rom. 2:4)

Once they are set free and learn those things that offend Yah then they are able to share with others what was done for them and see others set free by the power of the Almighty. The diseases provide a platform for believers to reach unbelievers through Yah using us as He did Aaron and Moses to bring people into covenant with the Creator.

A disciplined life produces a disciplined life in others. We can’t do this without Him. But the first step is acknowledging that we are not adhering to His voice, doing that which is right in His sight, giving ear to His commandments or statutes, and as a result, we are not reaping the benefits of what springs forth from a disciplined life.

Forbearing One Another

In this life, we go through many different changes, yet we can often be oblivious of the flaws in our own armor. This makes it increasingly more clear why Paul, though he fervently asked God to remove had to live in this life with this “thorn” in his flesh. Sympathy is something many of us lack the ability to comprehend until we are the ones in need of it. The two scriptures that have inspired this article reminds us to walk in the same compassion with the same perspective of ourselves while considering others.

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Eph. 4:1-3)

Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. (Col. 3:12-14)

What an interesting way to see yourself; as the prisoner of the Lord and as the elect (chosen) of God. Consider the manner of man Paul is exhorting us to be? A man so changed by the Gospel of Christ, a man who was once persecuting and killing believers is now the prisoner, bondservant, elect of God and encouraging us to be likewise. In our busy world taking the time to walk with someone in humility, lowliness and a meek in manner, with longsuffering (patient) forbearing (understanding) one another in love is rarely seen.  We easily forget that we have the same need that our brother or sister now possess. In our right now, immediate gratification world this truth can be very easy to forget. But there is no getting away from the love of the Most High. He has compassion for us and he fully understands the challenges that we are afflicted with in this life. As Messiah Yeshua pinned so well, “in the world you shall have tribulation,…” This statement alone is a mouthful, but in this instance, we can thank Yah for the but, “but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Marriage is a constant reminder of this word “forbear” which is strongs# G430 (anechomai).  This word means to “put up with” or “hold oneself up to”.  Realizing this what exactly does marriage do for us?  It’s a constant exercise in the fruit of the Spirit for we will learn love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, and even some of those more difficult fruit of the Spirit like patience, meekness, and self-control.  We learn to put up with our spouse’s ways that seem foreign or tedious, at times even annoying.  Why?  Because at the same time we should also be looking in the mirror at ourselves and if we are not, we can count on our spouses to point out our imperfections.  The revelation of which should humble us so that we can “put up with” or “forbear” with them as they too must learn obedience through suffering, walk from faith to faith, and glory to glory.  Understanding that we are being made perfect, we have not yet arrived, and as we extend the same compassion to them that we demand we gain the riches of growing closer to looking, living, and walking in the path of the one our hearts truly long for, our Messiah Yeshua!

Stop Watering The Weeds In Your Life

This morning as I was listening to the bible going through the first book of Chronicles when I completed my reading I asked the Father to show me something from these passages.  I have never heard anyone preach on it, and I believe it’s intimidating because of the meticulous details, but I understood that nothing in God’s word is simply there as a placeholder, but has significance.  So finding it in the details of counting can be challenging.   Counting is the theme of this season leading up to Pentecost. It is the time of the counting when scriptures like “teach us how to number our days that we might incline our hearts towards wisdom”, come to mind. (Psalms 90:12)

The battle of exercising in Louisiana heat is challenging especially for one who doesn’t come alive until after 9 am, yet I realize that every minute I lose is the enemies gain which is why we are admonished throughout scripture to consider the work ethic of the ant.(Pro. 6:6) The ant teaches us that laziness and slothfulness can take your wealth and bring you to poverty. But here is my challenge, I live in Sportsman’s paradise and in the country walking alone too often can make you food or at least a victim to animals great and small. However, the amount of work needed around my house was plenty to get me a little cardio and resistance in. When you come out of the routine of exercise, no matter what the cause it can take a lot to get back on the bandwagon.

As I was listening to 1 Chronicles 22-29, I was also cutting weeds from around my house and not wanting to hear the scriptures without receiving revelation I sought the Father concerning the significance of the retelling of King David’s reign. The scriptures I was reading today highlighted the details of what was needed, and what was available to build the Temple and David’s thankfulness that YHVH would choose his tribe to be blessed with such an honor. Several things stood out to me about this story, the humility of David for one because out of all the tribes that existed and all the talent that Israel possessed this was a man that after considering his entire life and the mistakes he has made experienced the mercy of God and the blessing of God despite them. I understood in a greater measure why YHVH would call David a man after his own heart. When you realize it’s not your talent, your faithfulness, or your obedience alone that has positioned you, but the faithfulness, and mercy of the Most High to bless you despite your shortcomings that has blessed you to be where you are then you can touch the heart of the Father. While I hope to be holy as He is holy the bigger question is how do I respond when I do not reach it? If I sin what is my approach, is it to hide my nakedness as Adam and Eve did or is it to confess and forsake it as David did in his repentance? David was a man of great strength, but also of great humility, he recognized his weakness but he didn’t live in it.

Which brings me to the next revelation in my gardening lesson today and that is, what are we giving our time, talent, and treasure too? As I was removing the weeds that seem to grow plentiful around my house without a lot of effort but willingly volunteers itself and invades my space I asked why is it that weeds grow so fast and that which I plant on purpose require so much more attention? While it seems like I have taken a derailment from the scripture consider this. As you read the chapters I just mentioned, one thing that is clear is all the planning involved in preparing for the building of the Temple that YHVH would dwell in. While David was a man after God’s own heart he also was a man of war and though his heart was right, his hands were dirty and he would not get the honor of being the one to build the Temple, but his son would.

In these chapters, great details are mentioned concerning all the talent of the men who would be a part of constructing various aspects of this project along with the materials that would be required. While cutting the weeds that have invaded my home I asked the Lord to give me something from these details and He did as He faithfully does when we seek him. He showed me a lesson in the work of my hands and that is, if we would spend more time thinking, doing, and attending to the things we want to plant and less time on the things we don’t want to come up in our lives we could do what God put us on earth to do. So much of our time, talent, and treasure is wasted on things that have no profit for us much less the kingdom of God. Even when we are productive in what we do on earth it is towards things that are weeds that masquerade themselves as fruit.

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: (Matt 6:19)

Focus on being fruitful, instead of planting that which gravitate towards weeds. In our culture, we focus on having lawns which without animals to eat them are just homes for weeds to grow. I often want to pull up every blade of grass and mulch and pine straw my entire yard except for that which I used to plant and grow things I want to grow, things that can provide food for us and others so that we won’t have to spend our time cutting down the resting ground for weeds. So here’s the thing if we do what King David did, he prepared and planned for that which was important not just in his generation but also in the one to come.   We focus on what God wants us to do, instead of giving room in our hearts, minds, and actions towards things that are unprofitable. These are the weeds that grow and choke the Word of God from living, moving, and abiding in us. Weeds steal, kill, and destroy that which is meant to give life. For me, this meant no longer wasting time focusing on things I cannot change, but instead focus on changing things I have control over, myself.   To commit to placing more energy in planting those things in my life I want to grow, so that the weeds of the earth can’t find a place to rest. If we strengthen the constitution of the fruit then the fruit will choke the weeds out. So I am committing myself to not focusing on the weeds that surround me, but planning the places I want the fruit to grow.


Mustard Seed Faith

(Mat 13:31)  Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

(Mat 17:20)  And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

(Mar 4:31)  It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth:

(Luk 13:19)  It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it.

(Luk 17:6)  And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.


Today’s meditative scriptures is on “Mustard Seed Faith”.  In Matt 17:20 Jesus tells his disciples that if they had the faith of a grain of mustard seed they could tell a mountain to be though removed and it shall be removed.  While customarily when we think of this scripture we think of it in light of the size of faith it takes to move a mountain.  We recognize that a grain of mustard seed is very small and while that is a part of what he is sharing we must look at the entire text around this verse to get all he has for us.  I don’t even think he wants us to focus on the size so much as he wants us to recognize that like a seed a promise is a deposit.  A deposit is a beginning of a process that has to reach a level of maturity.  Like a grain of mustard seed we have been given a deposit in our account that will one day mature.  But if we are going to have a complete understanding we have to go even deeper we have to read what else Yah says about a grain of mustard seed to then understand what he wants us to understand.

Another understanding of this is that a mustard seed knows what it is and what it is called to do.  Do we know who we are and what we are called to do?  A large part of the reason we don’t produce as we should is because we don’t have the faith of a mustard seed which knows what it is supposed to produce.  How can we produce adequately after our own kind when we are too busy trying to produce after another kind?  A pear will never be fruitful at producing an apple tree, but no apple tree can produce a pear tree. From the very beginning the problem with mankind is that we haven’t been satisfied with being who we are or who we were called to be.  Part of what made that tree of knowledge appetizing to Eve was that it represented being something other then what she was.  The lust for being something “other then” what she was called to be was alluring.  This is why scripture says those who compare themselves among themselves are not wise. (2 Cor. 10:12)  The gift that is in us God can use to make us rich and add no sorrow with it. (Prov 10:22)  If we are unwilling or unable to use that gift that was placed in us then we lack the ability to have that mountain moving faith.

Finally, no mustard seed becomes a tree overnight.  Microwave faith produces fast but doesn’t last.  Mustard seed faith produces enough so that those who eat of its bounty is able to benefit from day to day.  Mustard seed faith means we have to be faithful where we are planted until we reach full maturity, that is come into full bloom.  We can’t expect that the gift God has put in us matures the minute we realize it no more then Abraham could expect the promise to come to pass the very moment it was given.  It took time and maturity for that seed to come to pass, but in due season it did reap a harvest and we are still reaping from the fruit thereof.

The Way Up is Down

This is a saying that we have heard in many different contexts, but nowhere is it more evident then in the chronicles of scripture.  When we look at what brings a man down we will find the words pride, haughtiness, and proud somewhere near its vicinity.  However, equally as true we will find near the word humility, meekness, or humble, the words exalt, exalted, above, lifted up, and grace.  It is in our weakness (not in our strength) that his strength is made perfect in us.  (2 Cor. 12:9) Thus, out of weakness we are made strong, and those who consider themselves strong are made weak.  Hebrews 11 chronicles what men in faith towards God were able to  accomplish, not in their strength but in their weakness, God’s strength prevailed and they received the victory over various trials of life.  The economy of God doesn’t operate by the same currency exchange rate that we are accustomed to in the world system.  Our resume of awards, accomplishments, and education are counted as dung, reckoned as filthy rags, consistently we see ordinary men who did extraordinary things not by picking themselves up by their own boot straps, or do the acts of self made men pave the way, but rather men and women who took Yah at his word were able to do what men who were considered great in the world were not.  Yah would over and over again show us in battle he didn’t use thousands of men, but will obtain the victory over the enemy of His people by using small armies to gain mighty victories.  Why, you may ask?  Because it serves as an example of this very principle I am sharing with you in this article that its in our weakness, weak positions, lowly spirit, that He is exalted.  It stands to reason and too easy for man to get the glory when a million man army with unending arsenals can defeat a 100,000 man army with limited arsenals.  It illustrates that with Yah you always have the majority on your side even when in the natural it doesn’t look like it.  As John the Baptist made clear that he must decrease so that the Messiah may increase.  The world knows that He has come when the impossible, becomes possible.

When we come to the end of ourselves then low and behold this is when we have an ear to hear from the one who can deliver us from all our woes.  The world can be very loud and it seems to want to amplify itself and the term it uses when it wants to exalt men is the word “proud”.  Yet this is a word that never in scripture is positively used when directed towards mankind.  It was actually the catalyst that would bring a person down so that they could be exalted through the act of humility.  Yet this is a word we use positively to express our feelings towards acts we approve of.  So in effect that which Yah has called evil, we have categorized as good. (Isa. 5:20)  We give glory to man for what Yah made possible to accomplish and then wonder why our children don’t believe in God.  They attribute their accomplishments in life to what they did, in total unbelief not realizing that when they receive the benefits, raises, or achievements that it is God who giveth man power to create wealth. (Deut. 8:17-18) It is the power of the Almighty that makes prosperity possible for us to have, because despite popular opinion, there is no good thing that dwells in this flesh.  (Rom. 7:18) That which is good, right, and holy in us is inherited through our relationship with Christ, Messiah Yehoshua.

Even our “good” if you will has selfish motivation apart from Him.  This is why we can only know love because he first loved us. (1 Jn 4:19) The concept of sacrificing yourself for the very people who are responsible for taking your life is not something any man would do.  How many are up for dying for your friend?  This one life you got with no promise of what will happen next, are you willing to give it up for a friend, even a best friend?  Your child, your spouse, perhaps, but a friend?  We might give a kidney but our life, hardly.  The idea of giving to people who can’t give to you, the proof that we can’t do it in and of ourselves nor would it come into our mind is revealed in how we live our lives today.  How often do we pour our finances or our time to benefit people with absolutely no expectation of receiving anything in return?

Here you have Yehoshua our Messiah in the prime of life, at the age when most people are just beginning to become established.  He himself was being established in the miracle making business going about doing good in all the land.  At a time when many of us would be comfortably married in our single family dwelling with 2 cars and 2.5 kids with great jobs with benefits our Savior was crucified with none of those things.  In fact when asked by someone who was interested in following him it was said of him that he didn’t even have a place to lay his head.  (Mat 8:20)  Be honest, how likely would you be to follow or join anyone’s network marketing business who didn’t have a home to share their home based business to you with?  This would in effect be the very opposite resume of one who we would consider successful and would want to follow, yet on what would definitely be considered the way down was he lifted up and us who put our trust in Him lifted up with him.  It’s the best illustration in scripture I have of what it means to humble yourself before the Almighty so that he can lift you up in dew season. (Jas 4:10)

Where do you find yourself in 2018?  Are you in a place of introspection wondering what has happened to your life?  Perhaps you are on top of the world and financially in the strongest position you have ever been but feeling a lack of fulfillment?  Maybe you have no money and wondering where you went wrong.  Many are sick and crying out for answers to a merciful God how you found yourself here?  Many would say life is what you make it, but in reality life is who you make it about?  If life is about you, your family, or your business then a sad life it will be because you set the bar too low.  If you are going to set a standard for your life why choose an imperfect model to build upon?  That is like building your life on sand instead of on a rock.  A rock is steady, unyielding, and will stand the test of time, whereas sand is destined to settle and give way to the changing climate of the atmosphere.  The only blessed assurance we can have is to humble ourselves into the hand of the Messiah and to lift up Him which cannot be brought low, yet was brought low for us only to be lifted up and to lift us up with Him into heavenly places within His kingdom.  Indeed Father what is man that you are mindful of us. (Psa. 8:4)  So what do we say when we are faced with situations that would tempt us to answer with “I’m pro-d of you” find a way to point them and keep yourself focused on the one who made the moment possible.  My new response is to say, “Father I am humbled by you”, and to the person who made their goal possible, “praise God for giving you the victory” or “To God be the Glory”.  Because its his anyway, for every good and perfect gift comes from him. (2 Cor. 9:8; Jas 1:17) If you must be proud of anyone then be proud of Yah, for it is He who made the person and the moment possible, and be happy for them for they are the beneficiary of God’s grace in their life.

Family Restructuring

While death has been as constant as life always, the older I get it seems as though funerals unite us more than weddings.  Times of mourning more than times of rejoicing.  Often many of us asking the question that scripture has already provided an answer for.  Why? From the time we enter this world we enter the race for the grave. Some choose to accelerate the race through suicide or suicidal choices that lead to homicide.  Others full of age having had the pleasure of experiencing all seasons of life give up the ghost to enter into either a place where time and aging doesn’t collide with aches and pains.  Others, in a place a thousand times worse then what this life could give.  Both wherever they are based on the choice they made while in this life.  To receive or not to receive the gift of eternal life made possible by Jesus Christ (Yehoshua Ha Machiach). 

The bottomline whatever their fate we feel the effects of their loss and our family’s must go on with the hole of that missing life within us. Many of us never asking the specific why question that is important, not why they died, for we all must walk this path, but why now? To which scripture also answers this question.  In the book of Isaiah Yah questions what we haven’t pondered through the process, the why now at least for the righteous

“The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.” Isa. 57:1

Most of us however will agree that things are getting worse in this world.  We are experiencing the shift scripture has told us about, understanding the blood of Jesus (Yehoshua) is greater then the umbilical chord of biology that connects us.  

Scripture speaks consistently of brother turning against brother, the enemies of a man being the members of their own household. (Matt. 10:21; Matt. 10:36)  We are living in that time where the righteous are entering into rest and the offspring are undergoing the test.  Whether they will continue to walk in what they were taught by their parents or depart.  Will we stand in truth or fall in disbelief?  While there is nothing new under the sun there is an intensity of the evil in this hour then the one before.  

The enemy of our God is getting closer to earth as he is falling from the second heaven with great wrath, and we find ourselves in the tremors of this growing storm. (Rev. 12:12)  Yet the Lord has told us how we will overcome, and should we take heed we’ll fair well. (Rev. 12:11)  

Expect betrayal

We have already been forewarned that a restructuring in our family will take place close siblings will betray one another being hateful instead of loving, having been seduced by this world they will betray their own blood.  Make up in your mind right now no matter what happens to stay with the Lord.  Let NOTHING separate you from the love of God.  (Rom. 8:39) As the family members you love more than life will be brought home in this hour and God won’t be asking your permission, nor will you necessarily have time to brace yourself for the blow. Have your heart and mind on one accord that you will follow Him no matter what happens.  

Despite the prosperity message we are getting from the Western church the scripture reveals entering into the day of the Lord is marked by judgment and persecution.  In fact joy will come through persecution, and not in our blessings or our college degrees will we boast but rather in our weaknesses and infirmities. (2 Cor. 12:6) The hour where the body decreases that the head of the body (Yehoshua) should increase in His glory through his body.  

Entering into this time can separate even that which Yah has joined together.  Scripture teaches us that forsaking for Yehoshua’s sake be it houses, brothers, sisters, or even spouses shall receive a hefty reward, even everlasting life. (Matt. 19:29) 

Hopefully it doesn’t come to that but we have seen in scripture in fact the book of Job is the greatest example of a wife who attempted to turn the heart of her husband against God because of the persecution they were facing.  Yet Job made up in his mind he would NOT turn on God no matter what he lost.  This is what Messiah was telling us when he said, 

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. (luke 14:26)

This is the point, if we put anything or anyone before him that thing or person will be what we will betray him for.  Consider Judas who betrayed Jesus for money, or Peter who when faced with the fear of losing his own life denied Christ three times.  We mustnt only conquer the fear of losing our loved ones, but we may have to consider losing our own life. Bringing new meaning to my life is not my own.  

So the real question considering the earlier scripture in Isaiah as a Believer should not be why was our loved one taken, but rather why were we spared?  Why am I still here? What is my assignment?  For the spirit we should have is that of Paul, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Phil. 1:21)  Submission to Yah dictates who my sister, my brother, and who my mother is, and according to scripture these designations are based on those who have the same will as our heavenly Father. (Matt. 12:47-50)  

Don’t get too attached

The moral of this article is this don’t get too attached. Be ready to move with Yah, wear this world like a cheap garment and be ready for the restructuring. Ask not why this person but rather always consider why not you? Meaning why have I been spared? What is my assignment?  Because you are still here for a reason and if you are in the family of God recognizing he gets to decide when that family should be restructured whether through physical death or a death of a relationship. 

Allowing God to structure your family means you don’t have to be afraid of being hurt because your trust isn’t in man, but in God.  

Saints, it’s time to trust God to put our lives and our families together as He sees fit. To mature in our faith so that we can rejoice in the Lord, counting it all joy no matter what befalls us, because life does consist of more than the abundance of things we possess and the horizontal relationships we have been blessed by the Most High to enjoy.  Love family while you have them and continue to love God who allowed your life to be blessed by your loved one. Recognizing we lose nothing in Him.