Message for the Body of Christ

Message for the body of Christ
Evening prayer word from the Lord
10/6/16 -3pm

Be not surprised by what you see in the US. Don’t make the mistake of being bitter concerning the ugliness that is being displayed, also don’t be afraid. Cry out to me in prayer, begin to get comfortable hearing my voice and begin detaching yourself from undeserved allegiances. The world as you know it is going to change. No place is going to be safe accept the place I placed you. Spend more time listening for My voice in prayer. Think mobile, and unload dead weight. Make no allegiances with this world system, and incur no more debt. This is the time to inquire of vessels and to fill them with oil. Hear by the Spirit of God, in this hour the currency that will deliver you is the anointing.

Did I not say that the day will come that you will only be able to deliver yourselves? That time is near my faithful ones. This is the time to intercede for wayward children, if they do not repent they will not escape. Did not Cain and Abel come from the same womb? Did not Jacob and Esau come from the loins of Isaac? Only those who love NOT this present world will escape the judgment to come.
I have used the events of these past few years to bring you to me. Your hope has been misplaced, man cannot deliver you. The government will not save you. Only I can protect you, says the Lord. Cry out to me will I not send a deliverer as I have done in the days of old? Trust in me and my laws as much as you trust in the system of this world. The heart of the King of this nation is in mine hands and as the rivers of water so do I turn it. I have allowed the immoral laws to stand, yet no one asked why? I have allowed the laws of this constitution to be overlooked, yet ask me ye not why? I have allowed wickedness to continue in the places that claims my Son’s body worship within its walls, yet ask me not why? Just as I allowed Moses to mediate between me and my people, I allowed Saul to be King in my stead. I have given you over to your request, to prove to you the wickedness and deceit in your own heart.
I have sent forth Prophet’s but you have not heard. I have sent forth Evangelists to gather my sheep, and I have called forth Teachers to equip my people, but you did not want them. But rather flocked after men of your own heart, who will prophecy prosperity when your hearts are defiled. I say to you as I said to Cain. If you do that which is right won’t I receive you, if you do not sin awaits you at the door.
My leaders can read the Greek and Hebrew text, but no longer need my Holy Spirit. They honor ways and traditions of men, but diminish the importance of being led by my Spirit. Esteemimg eloquent prayers, over speaking in tongues. The baptism in the Holy Spirit and Fire will not be optional to make it in this hour. Seek Me don’t try to figure me out, says Yah. My ways are passed finding out but my instructions are clear.

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